Monday, December 5, 2011

Riddling Rack

My daughter saw this on TV and said "Dad, you can build this!"
Here's a view of one on Bizrate;[5030S-FS-2DAY]

Ya... right... I'm going to pay that!!!

This is my next project for the shop.

Reality folks, find some old wood.
Right now, I can get weather beaten crates for FREE.
Thinking this would be great stock to build from.

If you've check the site and you have the basic tools from the "Tool Box" section and a few of the 'basic' power tools, we have a project for Christmas!

I'm building a couple this Saturday. On the site by Sunday (possibly Saturday afternoon). Can't see this as more than a 2 hour project!

1/2 Riddling rack for $238.00!!!! Don't think so!

Follow me through this and build one for yourself or a gift.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Christmas Wreath

I went out today to buy a couple of wreaths for the workshop.
I couldn't believe the prices!
No way am I paying this!!!!
I can make this for pennies.

Check the site for instructions.

I'll show you what I did.
Looks great and was free!

Talk about saving money.... FREE!!!